Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Young Adult Service Opportunity

All young adults are invited to join us this Saturday, December 10th, for a couple hours of community service through Volunteer Chore Service of King County. From 10 am – 1 pm, we will be assisting in light housekeeping tasks for the low income residents of the Lake City House. The address is 14337 – 32nd Ave NE, Seattle WA 98125 (map), and we will meet in the lobby at 10 am. Feel free to RSVP to Jessica.Delgehausen@seattlearch.org if you’d like to come, or just show up the morning of the 10th. Bring your friends! We also encourage you to join us for mass at St. Mark's in Shoreline (map) at 9:00 am so we can engage in this community service with prayerful hearts and a joyful attitude! We hope you'll join us!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Taize Service

Start the Advent Season by joining us for a Taize Service on Monday, November 28th at 7:30 pm at Christ Our Hope Church in downtown Seattle. This service of mediation and reflection incorporates candlelight, chanting and repetitive acoustic music. It is a beautiful and peaceful time to spend in God's presence, with other members of the Seattle community.

Spirituality on Tap - tomorrow!

Young Adults, please join us tomorrow, Thursday November 17th, for this month's Spirituality on Tap! "Pray without Ceasing: Spiritual Practices to Connect to the Heart of God" Facilitated by Kathy Heffernan, MAPS, BCC, Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader and Certified Chaplain Tomorrow, Thursday, November 17th, 7-9 pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Center (7000 - 35th Ave SW, West Seattle 98126) For more information or with questions, contact Hilda at hilda@ignatiancenter.org or visit www.ignatiancenter.org This event is hosted by Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish and the Ignatian Spirituality Center www.ignatiancenter.org/wp-content/uploads.2009/09/Prayer-101.pdf

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wine and Wisdom - July 25th

Greetings Seattle Area Young Adults, Wanted to remind you of an opportunity this Monday from 7:00-9:00 pm for fellowship, prayer and discussion. Wine and Wisdom continues into the summer with "Will that be a table for 3 or 4?: Distractions in the Internet age" Fr. Tony Bawyn, from St. Catherine's here in Seattle as well as Judicial Vicar for the Archdiocese will lead our discussion on making time for God and for one another in our lives. We are looking forward to having you all with us on Monday night. Bridget

Monday, June 27, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Join us for Wine and Wisdom tonight at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub at 7 PM! Fr. Bryan Dolejsi will be facilitating a discussion on Spreading the Good News in a Negative World. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Is Next Week

Come to Wine and Wisdom next week at Kells for a great night of fellowship and discussion! Fr. Bryan Dolejsi will facilitate a talk on Spreading the Good News in a Negative World.
What: Wine and Wisdom
Who: Fr. Bryan Dolejsi
Topic: Spreading the Good News in a Negative World
For: Young Adults ages 21-35
When: Monday, June 27th, 7-9 PM
Where: Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub
1916 Post Alley
Pike Place Market
Seattle, WA 98101

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wine and Wisdom with Fr. Bryan Dolejsi

Join us at Kells on June 27 for our next Wine and Wisdom. Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, a popular local speaker and Priest Administrator for St. Joseph Parish in Issaquah, will facilitate a discussion on Spreading the Good News in a Negative World.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Please come to Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub tonight at 7 PM for Wine and Wisdom. Joe Hastings of CRS is speaking about "Living Simply, Sustainably, and in Solidarity with the Poor." We hope to see you there!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Is Next Week

Join us for Wine and Wisdom next Monday, May 23rd, at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub. Joe Hastings of Catholic Relief Services will speak about Living Simply, Sustainably, and in Solidarity with the Poor.

What: Wine and Wisdom
Who: Joe Hastings of CRS
Topic: Living Simply, Sustainably, and in Solidarity with the Poor
For: Young Adults ages 21-35
When: Monday, May 23rd, 7-9 PM
Where: Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub
1916 Post Alley
Pike Place Market
Seattle, WA 98101

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wine and Wisdom May 23

Join us for Wine and Wisdom at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub on May 23rd. Joe Hastings of Catholic Relief Services will be leading a discussion on Living Simply, Sustainably, and in Solidarity with the Poor.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Spirituality on Tap: A Spirituality of Dance

Facilitated by Christine Rillera, fellow Catholic young adult and social dancer Thursday, May 19th 7-9pm St. Joseph’s Social Hall 732 18th Ave East Seattle 98112 (Hall located below church and enter from St. Joe’s Parking Lot on 19th Ave. E) For young adults aged 21-35 Hosted by the Ignatian Spirituality Center For more info, e-mail hilda@ignatiancenter.org or ignatiancenter.org

Monday, May 2, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Young Adults: Join us tonight for Wine and Wisdom at deVine Wines in Mill Creek. Rick Fersch, former CEO/president of Eddie Bauer and current delegate to Archbishop Sartain, is speaking about Faith and Corporate Life. It all starts at 7 PM. See you there!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mill Creek Wine and Wisdom - May 2nd

Join us next week for Wine and Wisdom as Rick Fersch, former CEO/president of Eddie Bauer and current delegate to the Archbishop, speaks about Faith and Corporate Life.

What: Wine and Wisdom
Who: Rick Fersch
Topic: Faith and Corporate Life
For: Young Adults ages 18-35
When: Monday, May 2nd, 7-9 PM
Where: deVine Wines
15224 Main St., Ste. 107
Mill Creek, WA 98012

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Happy Easter Monday, everyone! We hope to see you tonight at 7 PM at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub. Mark Shea will be talking about "101 Reasons Not to be Catholic."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

"“Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said." - Mt. 28:5-6

Christ is risen, Alleluia! Have a joyous Easter.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

"It is finished." - Jn. 19:30

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Thursday

"As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes." - 1 Cor. 11:26

Have a blessed Triduum.

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 25 Wine and Wisdom

Join us at Wine and Wisdom next week for a talk by Mark Shea, Catholic convert and popular speaker, author, and apologist. He will speak about "101 Reasons Not to be Catholic." We look forward to seeing you there!

What: Wine and Wisdom
Who: Mark Shea
Topic: 101 Reasons Not to be Catholic
For: Young adults ages 21-35
When: Monday, April 25th, from 7-9 PM
Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub
1916 Post Alley
Pike Place Market
Seattle, WA 98101

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

“Hosanna to the Son of David; blessed is the he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest.” - Mt. 21:9

Have a blessed Palm Sunday.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wine and Wisdom: Faith and Corporate Life

Join us at deVine Wines on May 2nd as Rick Fersch, former CEO and president of Eddie Bauer and current delegate to Archbishop Sartain, discusses Faith and Corporate Life.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wine and Wisdom with Mark Shea

Join us at Kells on April 25 for Wine and Wisdom with Mark Shea, a popular Catholic author and speaker. He will be talking about "101 Reasons Not to be Catholic."

Monday, April 4, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Join us tonight at deVine Wines in Mill Creek for a discussion on relativism. Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. is facilitating a talk entitled, "Your Truth, My Truth: Are Exclusive Truth Claims Bigoted?" We'll see you at 7 PM!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Movies that Matter Postponed

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we're postponing this Saturday's Movies that Matter. Join us instead on Saturday, April 30th, from 2-5 PM at the Chancery; we'll still be watching "The Dark Knight."

This Saturday: Vocational Day of Discernment

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reminder: Wine and Wisdom April 4th

Have you ever wondered if there really is an absolute truth? Have you been criticized or considered intolerant because of your beliefs? Come discuss relativism with Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. and other young adults ages 18-35. Bring your friends!

Event: Wine and Wisdom
Topic: Your Truth, My Truth: Is Making Exclusive Truth Claims Bigoted?
Speaker: Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P., Dominican friar at Blessed Sacrament Parish and recipient of a Master in Philosophy from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
Who: Young Adults ages 18-35
When: Monday, April 4th, 7-9 PM
Where: deVine Wines
Mill Creek Town Center
15224 Main Street
Suite 107
Mill Creek, WA 98012

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Seattle-area young adults: Join us at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub tonight for Wine and Wisdom! We'll have a peer-led discussion on The Saving Death and Resurrection of Christ. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Reminder: Movies that Matter April 2nd

Join other young adults ages 18-35 for an afternoon of movies and discussion! At this month's Movies that Matter, we'll watch The Dark Knight and discuss it in light of the Catholic faith.

What: Movies that Matter: The Dark Knight
Who: Young Adults ages 18-35
When: Saturday, April 2nd, 2:00-5:00 PM
Where: The Chancery
Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry (2nd floor)
710 Ninth Ave
Seattle, WA 98104
*Please park in the visitors' parking garage on the Marion St. side of the building, and check in at the front desk on the first floor.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Reminder: Seattle Wine and Wisdom on March 28

Want to discuss your faith with other young adults in a fun, relaxed setting? Join other young adults ages 21-35 for a peer-led discussion on The Saving Death and Resurrection of Christ.

What: Wine and Wisdom: The Saving Death and Resurrection of Christ
Who: Young Adults ages 21-35
When: Monday, March 28th, 7-9 PM
Where: Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub
1916 Post Alley
Pike Place Market
Seattle, WA 98101

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Service Project This Weekend

Looking for a chance to serve God this Lent? Join other young adults in serving the elderly, disabled, and low-income residents of Seattle's Lake City House this Saturday. We'll help them with household chores and minister to them through our presence and through conversation.

Please RSVP to david.larson@seattlearch.org or aimee.tucker@seattlearch.org.

What: Young Adult Lenten Service Project
Who: Young Adults ages 18-35
When: Saturday, March 28, from 10 AM - 3 PM (meet us in the lobby at 9:45)
Where: Lake City House
12546 - 33rd Ave. NE
Seattle, WA 98125

“Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant…for the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” – Mk. 10:43-45

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wine and Wisdom tonight!

Join us tonight at 7 PM for a discussion about "God's Plan for Your Sex Life." This event is for young adults, ages 18-35, and will be held at deVine Wines in Mill Creek. See you there!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lenten Retreat Early Registration Deadline is Today!

Today is the early registration deadline for our Young Adult Lenten Retreat! Make sure to get your registration form in soon. For more information, please visit http://seattleoyyam.org/programs/retreat-ministry/young-adult-retreats.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wine and Wisdom: God's Plan for Your Sex Life

Thanks to everyone who came to our first Seattle edition of Wine and Wisdom! Next week, OYYAM is sponsoring another great opportunity to learn about the Faith, grow closer to God, and form community. On Monday, March 7th, Janet Heva from the Prince of Peace Catholic Newman Center will be facilitating a discussion on "God's Plan for Your Sex Life" at our Mill Creek location. We hope you can join us!

When: Monday, March 7th at 7 P.M.
deVine Wines, 15224 Main Street, Ste. 107, Mill Creek Town Center, Mill Creek, WA
What: Janet Heva, speaking on "God's Plan for Your Sex Life"; also, discounted wine pours and appetizers
Who: Young Adults ages 18-35

Monday, February 28, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Wine and Wisdom: Filling the Void, facilitated by Sr. Miriam James, is tonight at Kells!
See you there!

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Catholics and the Media" with Dr. Pia de Solenni Conway

The Catholic Professionals of Seattle presents: "Catholics and the Media"

Who: Dr. Pia de Solenni Conway, an expert in life issues, the new feminism, and culture. She received her doctorate in sacred theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. She has appeared in publications such as The Wall Street Journal Europe and The Washington Post, and on TV programs like "Hardball with Chris Matthews" and "The O'Reilly Factor."

When: Friday, March 4th, 2011
6:45 A.M.: Check in, Reconciliation available
7:15 A.M.: Mass
7:45 A.M.: Breakfast
8:30 A.M. - 9:15 A.M.: Presentation

Where: The Prince of Peace Catholic Newman Center
University of Washington
4502 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA

Cost: $18 for members, $35 for non-members

Registration: catholicprofessionalsofseattle.org/events.html

Contact: Tedd Naff, President of Catholic Professionals of Seattle
E-mail: info@catholicprofessionalsofseattle.org
Phone: 206-841-0487

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wine and Wisdom with Sr. Miriam James

This year's first Seattle Wine and Wisdom is happening on Monday, Feb. 28th at 7:00 P.M. at Kells Irish Pub. Sr. Miriam James, SOLT, will be facilitating a discussion on "Filling the Void: Our Search for Meaning." Don't miss out on a fantastic speaker and great discussions!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lenten Retreat

Can you believe that Ash Wednesday is in two weeks?

What's a better way to begin Lent than with a prayerful, rejuvenating retreat? Get renewed. Get inspired. Get ready. Please join us for our Young Adult Lenten Retreat on the first weekend of Lent, March 11th - 13th.

For more information, see www.seattleoyyam.org/programs/retreat-ministry/young-adult-retreats.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Marriage Preparation Retreat This Weekend

Our Winter Marriage Preparation Retreat is this weekend! We hope to see all you young-adult engaged couples there. For more information, please visit http://seattleoyyam.org/programs/retreat-ministry/young-adult-retreats.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Reminder: Filling the Void

Hi friends,

We are blessed to have Sr. Miriam James facilitate our first Seattle Wine and Wisdom this month! Please join us as we form community, have fun, and discuss "Filling the Void: Our Search for Meaning."

When: Monday, Feb. 28th at 7 P.M.
Where: Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub
1916 Post Alley
Pike Place Market
Seattle, WA 98101
For: Young Adults ages 21-35

Monday, February 14, 2011

March 7 Wine and Wisdom

Next month's Wine and Wisdom speaker at Mill Creek will be Janet Heva, Campus Minister at the Prince of Peace Catholic Newman Center. Join her and other young adults as we discuss "God's Plan for Your Sex Life." Discounted wine pours and appetizers will be available for purchase.

When: Monday, March 7th, 7:00 P.M.
Where: deVine Wines
15224 Main St.
Suite 107
Mill Creek, WA
For: Young adults ages 18-35

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Marriage Prep. Is Next Week

OYYAM's Winter Marriage Preparation Retreat for engaged young-adult couples is next weekend, so be sure to sign up if you haven't already!

If you can't make this retreat, mark your calendars for our Spring Marriage Preparation Retreat, May 20-22 at Camp Hamilton.

Service Project Saturday

Catholic Community Services has given us an "Extreme Makeover" mission to provide housework and yard work for residents of Bow Lake Motor Home Park in SeaTac who are unable to keep up with chores on their own. Come spread Christ's gospel of love with us this Saturday from 10 AM - 3 PM!

*If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do; there's still room for you.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wine and Wisdom is Coming to Seattle!

OYYAM is happy to announce that Wine and Wisdom is expanding to include a Seattle location in addition to deVine Wines in Mill Creek. Our first Seattle event is Monday, February 28th at 7 P.M. at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub. Sr. Miriam James will speak on "Filling the Void: Our Search for Meaning." Come for great discussions and good company!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Don't miss Fr. Raphael Mary's talk at Wine and Wisdom tonight! This week, we'll be discussing the existence of God. See you tonight at deVine Wines in Mill Creek!

*NOTE* Tonight's talk will start at 7:30 instead of the usual 7:00.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Faith and Pain

"Faith and Pain" by David

All of us have gone through and will experience pain in this life. As yet another month of almost certain cold, clouds, and rain begins, this becomes especially clear. What, as Christians, are we to make of this? When mudslides in Brazil kill hundreds of people and leave children traumatized and alone, or when a loved one dies prematurely, do we begin to question whether the creator of the natural world is benevolent? When people are killed daily across the world by terrorism, gang violence, and war, do we begin to doubt that humanity is made in the image of a perfect God? All of us struggle with these questions at some point, but our faith gives us hope.

C.S. Lewis, the great Christian novelist and apologist, in his book The Problem of Pain, defines the “problem” this way: "If God were good, He would make His creatures perfectly happy, and if He were almighty He would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both." In the remainder of the book, Lewis uses the depth of Christian tradition to explain why this doesn’t need to be a paradox. Many other Christian authors throughout the centuries have spent a good deal of ink dealing with this issue as well. The doctrine of the fall has always been one clear explanation for the human condition and for our pain when it is caused by our fellow man. However, it is the subject of natural “evil,” like rocks falling on children and mudslides, that leaves many more confused. Lewis argues that this is not evil, but only the consequence of living in a world governed by laws. If there was no gravity, maybe rocks wouldn’t fall on children and mud wouldn’t slide into villages, but the world would cease to be a coherent environment for us.

These arguments can help us to maintain our faith in a good God in times of trial, but for most of us they will never make us fully comfortable with the conditions we see in our day-to-day lives. The Christian faith does provide one more great and astounding truth on this subject, though. God does not just sit on high with His arms crossed as we cry out to Him for help. His Incarnation into the human experience shows that He is willing not just to listen to our cries of pain but to feel the pain with us. God enters into solidarity with the pain of our human experience to the point of being tortured and dying a brutal death on the cross. He has lived our human pain and shown us hope and the way to eternal life. If the rational explanations of Lewis are not enough, then this can surely bring greater clarity to us in our darkest moments.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reminder: YA Lenten Retreat

Our Lenten retreat is next month! We're privileged to have Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, O.P. lead us into the Lenten season at beautiful Camp Hamilton. Please join us for talks, prayer, and community. For more information, and to register, visit www.seattleoyyam.org/programs/retreat-ministry/young-adult-retreats.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Next Monday: Wine and Wisdom with Fr. Raphael Mary

Don't miss our next offering of Wine and Wisdom on Feb. 7th! We're pleased to welcome Fr. Raphael Mary, O.P. of the UW Newman Center as our guest speaker. Come join us as we address the question "Does God Exist?" and respond to some challenges of modern atheism. The event is at 7:30 P.M. at deVine Wines in Mill Creek, WA. See you there!

Monday, January 31, 2011

YA Service Project

Come join other Seattle-area Catholic young adults as we help elderly, disabled, and homebound residents at the Bow Lake Motor Home Park. It'll be a great day of service, reflection, and community!

When: Feb. 12th, 10 A.M. - 3 P.M.
Where: Bow Lake Motor Park, SeaTac, WA
*Please RSVP by Feb. 5th*

Please see the flyer for more information.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The House of the Lord

“How lovely is Your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty, for my soul longs and even faints for You.”

This song, based on Psalm 84, strikes a chord in the deepest part of my soul, where I desire to know God and to experience his presence. For the psalmist, the Lord’s “courts” were those of Jerusalem’s temple; perhaps we imagine Heaven when we hear of the Lord’s dwelling place. However, our faith tells us that God is closer than our next breath and that his kingdom is at hand. What if God is most present to us, not in a particular place or time, but in the depths of our souls where we most long for him? In short, what if we are God’s dwelling place?

Teresa of Avila writes in Interior Castle, “The soul of a righteous man is nothing but a paradise, in which, as God tells us, he takes his delight. For what do you think a room will be like which is the delight of a King so mighty, so wise, so pure and so full of all that is good? I can think of nothing with which to compare the great beauty of a soul and its great capacity.”

Perhaps we’ve heard the phrase “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” so often that it’s become a cliché or an injunction to act morally. Yet truly God is present within us in a most profound way: he dwells in our souls through the Holy Spirit and in our bodies through the Eucharist. Aside from God himself, what could be more beautiful?

I invite you to spend time today praying about this. Ask the Lord to reveal his presence in you and in others, so that we may see the beauty and holiness of each person and glorify God because of it. Amen?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reminder: Winter Marriage Preparation Retreat

OYYAM invites all engaged young-adult couples to deepen their relationship, spend time in prayer, and gain practical resources at our winter marriage preparation retreat, held at Camp Don Bosco from Feb. 18-20, 2011. For more information, download a brochure at http://seattleoyyam.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/YA_Marriage_Prep_Brochure.pdf or email oyyamretreats@seattlearch.org.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Feb. 7

Come join Fr. Raphael Mary, O.P., a Dominican friar at the University of Washington Newman Center, and other young adults as we discuss "Does God Exist?" and how to address modern atheism.

This event will be held at 7:30 p.m. on February 7th at deVine Wines in the Mill Creek Town Center. Discounted wine pours and appetizers will be available, but there is no charge for entry.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wine and Wisdom Tonight!

Please join us tonight at 7 in Mill Creek for discounted wine pours, appetizers, and wisdom from Rich Shively! We'll be discussing spirituality v. religion and whether church is still relevant.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reminder: Wine and Wisdom Jan. 10th

Please join Rich Shively, Associate Director for Vocations and Seminarians, and other young adults as we discuss "Religious v. Spiritual: Does Church Still Matter?" The event will be held at 7 p.m. on January 10th at deVine Wines in Mill Creek.

Marriage Prep Early Registration Deadline Jan. 7

This Friday, Jan. 7th, is the early registration deadline for OYYAM's Winter Marriage Preparation Retreat! This retreat, for engaged young-adult couples, is Feb. 18-20 at Camp Don Bosco; for more information, contact Bridget Harris at 206-382-4562. To register, download a form at http://seattleoyyam.org/programs/retreat-ministry/young-adult-retreats.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

"And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart." - Lk. 2:19
Wishing you a happy New Year and a blessed feast day.