Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wine and Wisdom, tomorrow 2/1!

We hope you'll come out to Kells tomorrow evening as we continue our winter Wine and Wisdom series with a discussion of "Ecumenism: Interreligious Conversations," with Sr. Joyce Cox, BVM. All are invited to attend the 6:30 pm mass at Christ Our Hope (corner of Stewart and 2nd) before joing us at Kells. Sr. Joyce will start speaking around 7:15 pm, once massgoers have arrived. You are welcome to come early to order food and beverages, and socialize with other young adults. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thanks, Janet Heva!

We had a great turnout for Wine and Wisdom last night at Kells, and are grateful to Janet Heva, Campus Minister at the UW, for an engaging and thought-provoking presentation on "Dating, Marriage and Sexuality," including a solid introduction on Blessed John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Janet highlighted that a healthy and true embracing of our sexuality is rooted in understanding what it means to be human - from our origins, history and destiny. The spousal analogy of Jesus and the Church, evident throughout Scripture, is also critical to our insistence on the beauty and sanctity of marriage. If you're interested in reading more about Catholic teaching on love and sexuality, Janet recommends books by Christopher West, especially "The Good News about Sex and Marriage" and "Theology of the Body for Beginners."
Please join us next week as our winter 2012 Wine and Wisdom series on "Relationships" continues with Sr. Joyce Cox, BVM, speaks on "Ecumenism: Interfaith Conversations." The presentation and discussion will begin around 7:15 pm at Kells in the upstairs room, after the 6:30 pm Mass at Christ Our Hope. Come have a meal and engage your faith and fellow young adults next Wednesday, February 1st!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wine and Wisdom on Wednesday 1/25!

Our winter 2012 Wine and Wisdom series continues this Wednesday, January 25th, with Janet Heva, Campus Minister at the UW Newman Center, speakign on "Dating, Marriage and Sexuality." The discussion will start around 7:15 pm at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub in Post Alley, after the 6:30 pm mass at Christ Our Hope. Feel free to arrive early to socialize or order food.
Also, last week's Wine and Wisdom with Fr. Boniface Williard on "Friendship," is rescheduled for Wednesday, February 8th.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Service Saturday 1/21 CANCELED

Unfortunately due to inclement weather and poor road conditions, we are canceling this weekend's service event. We look forward to seeing you again in a couple weeks for our next event - stay tuned for more information!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Young Adult Service Saturday - January 21st!

Join us next Saturday, January 21st for a half-day of prayer, service and fellowship with area Catholic young adults! We invite you to join us for 8:40 am daily mass at Christ the King in north Seattle (1902 2nd Ave, Seattle, 98101) before heading to our service site, the Lake City House (12546 33rd Ave NE)! We'll serve the residents there from 10 - 1 pm, helping with light housekeeping duties.

Afterward, we'll grab lunch at a local place and get to know one another better. We hope you'll join us as you're able next Saturday, as it's sure to be an enriching expereince and life-giving day of serving our community! Bring your friends too! We'll see you then -

Wine and Wisdom

We're glad so many young adults attended our winter 2012 Wine and Wisdom kick-off this week with Sr. Miriam! Her discussion on the role and influence of the saints, and encouragment to seek intentional relationship with one another, is truly relevant in our modern world. If you're interested in further exploration into the lives of the saints, Sr. Miriam recommended "Modern Saints," a two volume work (with pictures) written by Ann Ball. For spiritual guidance, especially in prayer, she suggests works by Fr. Jacques Philipe. Thanks for bringing your energy and great questions to make the evening a powerful experience for all.
Please join us next week at Kells - even if you weren't able to make it to the kick-off! - to hear Fr. Boniface Willard, OP speak on "Friendship." The event will formally begin around 7:15, but feel free to arrive at 7 and socialize. We also hope you'll attend mass at Christ Our Hope (located on the corner of Stewart and 2nd) at 6:30 pm. Hope to see you and your friends there!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wine and Wisdom - Wed. 1/11

Come out and join us for our first Wine and Wisdom of 2012, next Wednesday January 11th! Sister Miriam Heidland, SOLT will present and lead discussion on "The Relevance of the Saints" from 7 - 9 pm at Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub in Post Alley at Pike Place. Bring a friend, enjoy delicious food and beverages and engage in lively and relevant discussion!