Friday, January 13, 2012

Young Adult Service Saturday - January 21st!

Join us next Saturday, January 21st for a half-day of prayer, service and fellowship with area Catholic young adults! We invite you to join us for 8:40 am daily mass at Christ the King in north Seattle (1902 2nd Ave, Seattle, 98101) before heading to our service site, the Lake City House (12546 33rd Ave NE)! We'll serve the residents there from 10 - 1 pm, helping with light housekeeping duties.

Afterward, we'll grab lunch at a local place and get to know one another better. We hope you'll join us as you're able next Saturday, as it's sure to be an enriching expereince and life-giving day of serving our community! Bring your friends too! We'll see you then -


Unknown said...

Hi! The flyer says Christ Our Hope, but the paragraph above it says Christ our King? Which church is Mass at?
Thanks, Tina

Jessica said...

Mass is at Christ the King (405 N 117th St., Seattle 98133)! Thanks for noticing that glitch, Tina, and we hope to see you there!