Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Catholic Professionals this Friday!

Join Catholic Professionals this Friday for Mass, breakfast and a talk by Camille Pauley!
There are few better ways to begin Lent (and the renewed 40 Days for Life effort) than to hear Camille Pauley, co-founder of 'Healing the Culture' with Fr. Spitzer and national speaker, speak about the state of Catholic-educated teens' views on abortion and the dignity of life!
Healing the Culture's mission is to "build a pro-life culture by changing negative and destructive attitudes [selfishness and materialism] through long term, philosophical education, starting in high school, and reaching out to university students and adult audiences."
On Friday March 2nd, Pauley will speak about the ways teen attitudes are changing, hopefully for the better, and how we can continue this process of education for the young people in our own lives and in our communities.
Schedule for March 2nd, 2012:
6:30am - Check-in, Registration, and Confession is available
7:00 - Mass
7:45 - Breakfast by SimpleFoods
8:30 - Camille Pauley
9:15 - event ends

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