Office of Catholic Campus Ministry
Direcor: Susan Leyster
5300 Pacific Ave. SE
Lacey, WA 98503-1297
(360) 491-4700
We invite you to visit us in the Campus Ministry office. We provide coffee and snacks free of charge, pop and bottled water for a quarter. We are in Old Main Room 201-E, a room used as office space for Nick and Peer Ministers, and 201-F, the main room with a visiting and snack area, resource library, and entrance to Susan’s office. University chaplain Fr. Benedict is often in the office to discuss religion and spirituality, but more often just to give visitors a hard time!
Mission Statement
"Campus Ministry provides a Christian environment in which students and employees, regardless of religious persuasion, are assured respect and freedom to pursue personal spiritual growth. Campus Ministry is greatly influenced by the century- old traditions, customs and spirit of Catholic Benedictine monasticism. One of those traditions is hospitality. The office supports all students and reinforces their integration into their spiritual community through liturgies, education, social justice programs, retreats, prayer groups, cultural trips, and discussions. These programs are intended to assist students and employees in blending their faith into their daily lives."
Our Pledge
Today, we pledge to shape a new vision of ministry on our campus. We commit ourselves to forming vibrant faith communities devoted to bringing the light of the Gospel to the academic world. We promise to implement our projects to the best of our ability and to attend to the needs of our team and the community we serve with faithfulness. We endeavor to be seen as servant leaders guided by the Gospel and vision of the Spirit as described in Sons and Daughters of the Light, "A Pastoral Plan for Ministry with Young Adults", (National Council of Catholic Bishop's document on young adult ministry). Finally, we call upon the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to help us grow in faith as we continue to bring together the message of Jesus Christ and higher education for the well-being of the whole human family.